SPF Packaged Kits

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Price: $1,709.21 - $4,128.23
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Item Description

What is included in the Kits?


Package Part # GSW-2894
210' SPF Rig - Insulated Sleeve Package
3 (SW-2175) 50' Sections of Insulated Hose Sleeve
3 (SW-2176) Insulated Coupler Guards
1 (SW-2413) Non-Insulated Whip Hose Cover

Package Part # GSW-2895 210' SPF Rig - Non-insulated Sleeve Package
3 (SW-2173) 50' Non-Insulated Hose Sleeve
3 (SW-2174) Non-Insulated Coupler Guards
1 (SW-2413) Non-Insulated Whip Hose Cover

Package Part # GSW-2896 260' SPF Rig - Insulated Sleeve Package
4 (SW-2175) 50' Sections of Insulated Hose Sleeve
4 (SW-2176) Insulated Coupler Guards
1 (SW-2413) Non-Insulated Whip Hose Cover

Package Part # GSW-2897 260' SPF Rig - Non-Insulated Sleeve Package
4 (SW-2173) 50' Non-Insulated Hose Sleeve
4 (SW-2174) Non-Insulated Coupler Guards
1 (SW-2413) Non-Insulated Whip Hose Cover

Package Part # GSW-2898 310' SPF Rig - Insulated Sleeve Package
5 (SW-2175) 50' Sections of Insulated Hose Sleeve
5 (SW-2176) Insulated Coupler Guards
1 (SW-2413) Non-Insulated Whip Hose Cover

Package Part # GSW-2899 310' SPF Rig - Non-Insulated Sleeve Package
5 (SW-2173) 50' Non-Insulated Hose Sleeve
5 (SW-2174) Non-Insulated Coupler Guards
1 (SW-2413) Non-Insulated Whip Hose Cover

Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Packaged Kits

Hose & Fitting Supply has the spray foam hose and supplies you need for your spray insulation equipment. We carry industrial spray foam kits designed to repair or replace your current spray polyurethane foam (SPF) hose setup. Our professional spray foam insulation supplies use top-quality components, so they can withstand the pressure, abrasion and pinches that they’ll face through constant use.

Having trouble keeping your insulation warm in the winter? Our insulated SPF application kits include insulated hoses and coupler guards, which maintain foam temperature for even application. These commercial spray foam insulation kits use Sidewinder SPF Insulwrap, which keeps weight low to reduce fatigue.

Kits available both Insulated and Non-Insulated
Sleeves, Couplers and Whips included
210', 260' and 310'